Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Whitney Houston’s Life In Danger??? Experts Predict The Singer Has Only Five Years To Live!!!

It’s not looking good for Whitney Houston y’all. After a rough start to her tour, Dummie Mission has learned the singer collapsed backstage after at least one show and has struggled through nearly every tour date thus far. Experts are now saying Houston’s hard living is catching up to her and she may have only a few years to live. Pop the hood for details.

Witnesses say Whitney was looking bad at her February 6 performance in Seoul, South Korea:

“Onstage, Whitney was obviously exhausted. She struggled to hit high notes, sweated profusely, wheezed through her songs and tripped over her own feet,(Sorry but that's funny)

When it all ended, Houston was physically drained.

“Whitney walked backstage and folded over like a paper doll. She braced herself against a wall and screamed for water,” the insider revealed. “In between labored breaths, she choked, ‘I don’t know if I can make it through all this.’”

Worried Whitney might relapse on “Nothing But Love” comeback tour, family members tried to persuade her to cancel the tour before it kicked off, the source shared.

“Whitney’s mom Cissy is deeply concerned, and she spearheaded the crusade,” the insider divulged.”Whitney has gone on crack cocaine and booze binges in the past. Her mom and other family members are extremely anxious about her sliding back into the same erratic behavior she exhibited when she was in the grips of freebasing and crack cocaine addiction… Now everyone is worried sick that she’s at it again… Because of her busy schedule, she’s skipping meals. And when she does find time, she eats junk food like candy and fried chicken.”

“Family and friends constantly worry that the demands of performing and Whitney’s weakness for drugs could kill her,” said the insider. “Everyone is praying she gets help before she winds up in an early grave.”

“Whitney can’t escape the consequences of her past,” warned Patrick Wanis, Ph.D., a human behavior expert from Miami Beach,FL. “I added up the stressors and other factors in her life and unless she starts taking care of herself both mentally and physically, she may have only five years to live.”

Dr. Gabe Mirkin, a board-certified specialist in internal medicine, told The ENQUIRER that heavy alcohol use damages the liver and cocaine abuse “causes cardiovascular damage and sets victims up for heart attack or stroke… Continuing to abuse these substances can shorten Whitney’s lifespan by at least 25 years.”

This is sounding really scary to us. These folks are basically saying she’s going to be the next Michael Jackson — early to the grave. SMH! Cissy come get your daughter off tour please — she’s clearly in bad shape

By:Darryl Terrell

(Fuck being political correct)

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